Why book on CheapTickets?

With CheapTickets.nl you can book your flight, hotel or rental car 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You find the best deals of all airlines and all destinations quick and easy. For questions you can always call the Contact Centre which is open from 09.00 AM until 12.00 PM!

CheapTickets.nl is part of Travix. For more information please visit http://www.travix-international.com/.
CheapTickets.nl was founded in 2001. Nowadays CheapTickets.nl is one of the biggest web shops for flight tickets in the Netherlands. CheapTickets.nl is an independent company which compares flights from all airlines on all destinations. This way we can offer you the best deals at all times.
CheapTickets.nl offers a complete overview of cheap flights to worldwide destinations. All flights can be searched for and booked directly online. Not only scheduled flights are shown. ALso flights from low cost carriers are shown in the same overview. Everything can be booked and paid in 5 easy steps. Weekly thousands of people choose for the security of CheapTickets.nl. The cost-conscious consumer can find a suitable flight for both private and business trips. For the more frequent business traveler CheapTickets.nl developed CheapTicketsBusiness.nl, a website which offers many benefits for frequent flyers.

Along with your flight, CheapTickets.nl also offers you the best deals on hotels, rental cars and travelinsurances. CheapTikets.nl offers a complete service which is supported by a call center with well-trained employees who can help you Monday till Friday from 9 am till 12 pm and on Saturdays from 9 am till 5 pm.

Travix Nederland B.V.
Postbus 244
2000 AE Haarlem

T: +31(0)900-0401043 ( € 0.30 per minute, max € 15.00)
F: +31(0)162-434836
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